It was the day of Isla’s birthday party. It was a happy day. A sunny day. We were setting up Frozen decorations, dressing our sweet little Elsa up….and I was having a strange symptom. I’ll spare the details, but it was one of those things you pull your BFF to the corner to worriedly whisper “Is this normal?“. After consulting Dr. Google, we concluded that it was decidedly not normal. And one of the possible causes? Pregnancy.
I kind of brushed it off, thinking it was more likely that I was seriously ill instead (you see, I’ve taken a lot of negative pregnancy tests over the past couple years). But as my hubby and I were running some last-minute errands for the party, I decided it best to grab a test, just in case.
To my surprise, it ended up being positive!! In shock, I went to the dining room, shared the results with Tomasz…and promptly broke down. And if we’re being honest, it wasn’t an “overwhelmed with happy tears” kind of breakdown. It was an “oh my goodness I’m going to have morning sickness for the next who knows how long” kind of breakdown. With Isla, I was sick for about half of my pregnancy- and while it could’ve been worse…in the moment, that’s where my brain went 🙃
Once I got past the initial shock, the hubs and I made a quick decision to announce to our families that afternoon that we were expecting again. Since it was Isla’s big day, we wanted her to be a big part of that announcement, and let her tell everybody! We pulled her to the side to inform her of her new role, then brought her back to the living room where everyone was sitting. I prompted her to share, and she squeaked “I’m a big sister.” My granny was the first to understand her quiet voice, and she exclaimed. Soon after, everyone else caught the gist…and Isla melted down. She wailed, “I don’t wanna be a siiiister!” We calmed her down with shiny gifts, and wound down the day.
Following the excitement of finding out and sharing with family, came the part of pregnancy I was dreading: morning sickness. It hit around five weeks (we were less than four weeks along when we found out), and I pretty much lived on my couch for the next couple of months. I am so, so thankful for a healthy pregnancy, and the sickness is absolutely for a good cause… but lemme tell ya, it’s hard to live normally when you can’t keep any food down for weeks on end. Our family took great care of us while I was down and out though! I just can’t express how grateful I was/am for them coming over at a moment’s notice to cook, clean and babysit when I just couldn’t even life (hint: it was a lot)!
Around twelve weeks, the sickness subsided and things have slowly begun to return to normal. We made a trip to Disney in September and the fam has been getting home-cooked meals again. God has been so good through this season, even when I pretty much quit participating in life. Through being down and out, He’s shown what I really need and where I may be indulging in excess. I’m so thankful for His provision and love!
Next week, I’ll be wrapping up the excitement of the first trimester with our gender reveal, and Isla’s adjustment to the idea of sharing momma. Thanks for tagging along with us on this sweet journey, friend!
A trip we took to Crystal River/Lady Lake to swim with the manatees and see family the week after we found out we’re expecting.
Chick-Fil-A saving the day when mommy didn’t feel like cooking, lol!
I don’t recommend doing Disney when you’re sick (I have exactly zero photos of me on this one 🙁 lol) but it was still so much fun and I’m so thankful we went! It was probably our last trip as a fam of three, and I’m so grateful we were able to make these memories with our Princess!
Isla’s birthday party- just a few hours after we found out about baby! <3
[…] Katie and dance class! If it wasn’t for some terrible morning sickness that plagued me during my first trimester of this pregnancy, we would have signed up again this fall. It’s a great way to spend some […]