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Welcome to Florida, where the weather has a COMPLETE mind of its own! I mean, seriously, if you’ve ever been to visit the beautiful coast of Florida, especially in those balmy summer months, then you know: she crazy. But seriously, as a seasoned Florida photographer, I know firsthand that weather is one of the biggest […]

Meet Florida Weather (Don’t Take Her Personally)

Family & Children, Florida, Maternity, Milestones

featured post

Welcome to Florida, where the weather has a COMPLETE mind of its own! I mean, seriously, if you’ve ever been to visit the beautiful coast of Florida, especially in those balmy summer months, then you know: she crazy. But seriously, as a seasoned Florida photographer, I know firsthand that weather is one of the biggest […]

Meet Florida Weather (Don’t Take Her Personally)

Family & Children, Florida, Maternity, Milestones

Ohh the lovely days of the terrible twos, the theatrical threes, the fearsome fours…yes, I know firsthand that those years bring all their own struggles, challenges, and endless prayers for patience! Those years make things like scheduling family portraits even *more* stressful and worrisome than they might have been already. But take it from me, […]

How to Keep Your Toddler Happy During Your Family Session

Family & Children

There are undeniably times in your life that you simply won’t forget. Your wedding, your first home together, how you felt when you found out you were expecting, the first time they laid that pink little baby on your chest. But what about this year? What moments should you invest in this year to preserve […]

2023: When to Get Professional Pictures Taken

Family & Children, Maternity, Milestones, Newborn, Senior Portraits

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