Rosemary Beach Photographer – The Bennett Family

Ed Sheeran’s voice sang “I See Fire” to me as I cranked my car. I sighed. All I saw was rain- and lots of it. Bound and determined to not let it damper the day, I made my way out of my driveway to Rosemary Beach to meet The Bennett family. Thankfully, the Lord cleared the skies to give us a lovely evening- but I have a sneaking suspicion that either way, Vanessa would have brought the sunshine! You see, she’s the type of bright, bubbly person who makes you feel like you’ve been friends forever, even when you’ve just met! Not to mention, her family is just beautiful! Little Miss C’s bright blue eyes rivaled the gulf behind her, and their infectious smiles were more lovely than the seascape!

We began the session with the backdrop of the beautiful town of Rosemary. They were such troopers in the Florida post-downpour humidity that seemed to linger in town! They were so trusting as we took “just one more minute” in town before going to the beach! Once we moved to the beach, the sea breeze kept us cool, and the shells kept gorgeous Miss C intrigued! My sweet friend Robin of Robin Masters Photography joined us for the evening, and as I was shooting Mom and Dad, she and Miss C played with the shells that were scattered along the shoreline. It was the sweetest thing- with each new shell, Miss C proudly ran up to her parents to show off her newest treasure! I just love seeing the wonder of the world through a little one’s eyes!

Kyle, Vanessa, and Miss C…you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside! You are precious people with sweet hearts, and I just love the joy you exude! You were an absolute pleasure to work with- I could’ve spent hours with you! I hope the remainder of your vacation is perfect- you deserve it!


  1. Robin says:

    These are nothing short of the gorgeousness I just knew they’d be! You did such a wonderful job capturing this family’s sweetness and beauty! I love everything about this!

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